EnviroScience Opens New, Stow Road Headquarters 5070 Stow Road, Stow Ohio, 44224

June 14, 2013

5070 Stow Road Building

Stow, Ohio.  EnviroScience, Inc. (ES) is pleased to announce that the main office on 3781 Darrow Road will be moving into our new headquarters on 5070 Stow Road Friday, June 14th through Monday, June 17th, 2013.  The 20,000sf, newly re-purposed building complex is situated on approximately 15 acres and features greatly expanded facilities for personnel offices, meetings and communications, equipment, and laboratory testing.  We are excited about what this new facility will mean for not only our employees, but our clients in terms of increased efficiency and collaboration.  EnviroScience’s previous location had run out of space to conduct large training workshops for clients, or even assemble more than a fraction of its employees or managers in one room.  The new facility has four conference rooms with video-conference capability and a large multipurpose lab / assembly room. 

A few key items you need to know about the EnviroScience move:

1.   During the move, we anticipate a temporary gap in phone service and employee access to electronic files on Friday, June 14th as we move those systems to the new building. Those systems will be restored Monday, June 17th.

2.   Our phone and fax numbers will not change: Phone 330-688-0111, Fax 330-688-3858, Toll Free 800-940-4025, 24hr Emergency 888-866-8540

3.       Deliveries

a.   Toxicity Laboratory deliveries still need to be sent to the old address at 3781 Darrow Road, Stow OH 44224 until further notice while the lab transitions to the new building.

b.  General EnviroScience deliveries should now be sent to: 5070 Stow Road, Building A, Stow OH, 44224

4.       Visitors: visitors to EnviroScience are by appointment only.  We are excited about our new facility so please contact your ES representative directly to arrange a tour.  ES will be hosting a special open house this fall for friends and teaming partners of EnviroScience.

5.       Directions: http://mapq.st/107BEHP

rear of 5070 stow road

The company move comes on the heels of unveiling a new logo to compliment a number of exciting changes to the 24 year old company.  The new simple graphic in the logo represents ES’s expertise in land and water environments, and the company’s focus on the interaction of those elements.


EnviroScience provides specialized environmental and related services both in the laboratory and in the field.  The new tag line Excellence in Any Environment underscores the company’s commitment to providing the highest level of expertise and accuracy possible in all of our service areas. Our major areas of emphasis are

·         Ecological surveys including stream/wetland permitting,

·         Endangered species surveys and documentation,

·         Commercial diving and marine services,

·         Ecological restoration,

·         Emergency response to environmental disasters,

·         Lake management,

·         Bioassay services

·         HAZMAT consulting services, and

·         Litigation support on natural resource issues.

2012 was an exciting year for ES, with the award of the NARS contract and the addition of the new Nashville, TN office, key new staff and the HAZMAT emergency response service area.  2013 has been even more exciting as ES moves into its 15 acre campus to accommodate EnviroScience’s continued growth.  We appreciate your business and patience during our move and look forward to future opportunities!