Pakistani Students Visit EnviroScience to Learn Stream Morphology & Survey Skills

July 24, 2015

Group Shot


Stow, Ohio (July 17, 2015) — EnviroScience restoration scientist Julie Bingham met a group of Pakistani students at the EnviroScience company headquarters in Stow, Ohio to teach students about stream morphology and the importance of stream function. The trip was part of a program hosted by Igniting Streams of Learning in Science International, an organization that takes students out of the classroom and into the field where they work directly with scientists to learn about the biomonitoring protocols for streams and wetlands. These lessons are applied to real-world situations where both parties work together to solve a problem in the community.

Students coming from Pakistan know the importance of water quality. Although conditions in Pakistan are slowly improving due to efforts from charitable organizations and education from groups like Igniting Streams of Learning in Science, currently 16 million people in the country lack access to safe drinking water (WaterAid).

Ms. Bingham has been an instructor for Igniting Streams of Learning in Science for eight years, where she teaches stream restoration survey skills and basic principles to high school students and teachers as part of an innovative science curriculum development program. The program is funded by the Ohio Board of Regents with Hiram College, Kent University, University of Akron, and 15 local high schools/districts.

“I am always impressed to see how students like to work outside their comfort zone and learn new skills.  These students were mostly business, computer science and economics majors.  Adapting the lesson to talk about the stream as a “system” and “the value of water” you can begin to see it click.   Hopefully they will return home with a new perspective of rivers and streams.” – Julie Bingham  

To learn more about Igniting Streams of Learning in Science International, visit