
Argo-geddon: Advancing Ecological Recovery

Using Argos, EnviroScience partners with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in "Argo-geddon" to Combat Invasive Species and Promote Ecological Recovery

Using Argos, EnviroScience partners with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in "Argo-geddon" to Combat Invasive Species and Promote Ecological Recovery

Each late summer, EnviroScience joins forces with a dedicated coalition of environmental organizations to tackle one of the most pressing challenges facing Northeast Ohio’s biodiversity—restoring the delicate ecosystem of Mentor Marsh. Partnering with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, The Nature Conservancy, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Natural Areas and Preserves, Portage Park District, Geauga Park District, and Cleveland Metroparks, we take part in the annual effort to promote ecological recovery within one of Lake Erie’s largest natural marshlands.

Mentor Marsh is a valuable natural habitat and a critical waystation for migratory birds along the Lake Erie coastline. With over 700 acres of land, the marsh is home to a wide array of plant and animal species. However, in recent years, it has been under siege by invasive plant species, which threaten to undermine its rich biodiversity.

A Battle Against Invasive Species

This year, EnviroScience and its partners worked together to treat 46 acres of invasive vegetation, focusing primarily on two aggressive species: the common reed (Phragmites spp.) and narrow-leaf cattail (Typha angustifolia). These rhizomatous plants are notorious for their ability to spread rapidly and dominate wetlands, displacing native plant species and disrupting the intricate balance of the ecosystem. Left unchecked, they form dense monocultures, which reduce the diversity of habitats that local wildlife depends on for survival.

Common reed and narrow-leaf cattail are particularly harmful because they outcompete native vegetation, block sunlight, and alter the marsh’s hydrology, making it difficult for native species to thrive. The long-term consequence is the loss of important habitat for birds, amphibians, insects, and other wildlife that rely on a mosaic of plant life to survive.

Piloting Argos: A High-Tech Approach to Habitat Restoration

Restoring the marsh to its former glory requires a strategic approach, and that’s where EnviroScience’s expertise in ecological restoration comes in. This year, our Ecological Restoration Technicians brought advanced equipment to the field, including the use of Argos—semi-amphibious utility terrain vehicles designed to navigate challenging wetland terrain.

The Argos allowed our team to access remote and hard-to-reach areas within the marsh, where the densest populations of invasive species were located. Working closely with personnel from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and other partnering organizations, our team identified and treated large patches of common reed and narrow-leaf cattail. Once treated, the invasive species decomposed, and sunlight was reintroduced to the marsh’s surface. This critical process helps awaken the dormant native seed bank, encouraging the re-establishment of native plants and the return of ecological balance.

Promoting Long-Term Ecological Recovery

The ecological recovery of Mentor Marsh is an ongoing process, requiring dedication, teamwork, and a commitment to preserving the region’s natural resources. While invasive species continue to pose a significant threat, the collaborative efforts of EnviroScience and our partners help restore vital habitats and foster biodiversity within the marsh.

At EnviroScience, we’re proud to participate in this annual initiative, not only because it aligns with our mission of providing science-based solutions to environmental challenges but also because it contributes to the long-term health of one of Northeast Ohio’s most precious ecosystems. By working together with organizations like the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, we can ensure that future generations can experience the rich biodiversity that makes Mentor Marsh such an important natural resource.

To learn more about EnviroScience’s ecological restoration and invasive species management expertise, visit our Ecological Restoration Services page. Discover how our team can help restore balance to natural habitats through science-based solutions.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring); emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; sustainability services; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

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