Kyle Scotese, Aquatic Biologist and Algal Taxonomist, is a skilled phycologist with over 15 years of experience enumerating algae and bacteria from marine and freshwater habitats. He holds two taxonomic certifications in diatom identification from the Society for Freshwater Science and has performed a variety of microscopic techniques. He also specializes in microscopic detection of potentially toxigenic microbes, including cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates. Kyle has been a valued member of the EnviroScience Aquatic Biology Laboratory since 2022.
Kyle has trained multiple phycologists to process algal samples accurately and efficiently in a production laboratory setting. He has led teams of algal taxonomists on large-scale monitoring projects for multiple agencies, including the 2012 and 2017 USEPA National Lakes Assessments and the 2015 USEPA National Wetlands Condition Assessment. Kyle has contributed to numerous scientific research publications describing the relationships between algae and their environments.
Kyle earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at John Carroll University in 2005 and a Master of Science in Environmental Science from Cleveland State University in 2009. His education focused on anatomy and physiology, algal identification, aquatic biology, paleolimnology, and ecology. Before joining EnviroScience, Kyle worked as a phycologist for two top-ranked environmental consulting firms. He also served as President of his own small consulting business, Chagrin River Algae Limited, for three years.
Growing up on the shores of Lake Erie in Northeast Ohio, Kyle developed an early appreciation for water resources and a deep fascination with aquatic biology. Now living in Chagrin Falls with a first-order tributary of the Chagrin River in his backyard, he likes to explore and catalog the microbial inhabitants of the surface waters around his village as a passion project in his free time. He hopes to educate the public by sharing interesting photographs and descriptions of algae and highlighting issues that directly impact human health, such as harmful algal blooms and water fouling.
Recently, Kyle has identified and described a new freshwater species of diatom from the genus Stauroneis collected within Stebbins Gulch, a protected natural area managed by the Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, Ohio. This discovery will be published in a scientific journal and a local diatom voucher flora. It has inspired Kyle to explore other unresearched habitats in search of new and fascinating organisms.
Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.
Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.
EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring); emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.