Teal Richards-Dimitrie

Herpetologist / Natural Resource Technical Lead


Teal Richards-Dimitrie is a herpetologist for EnviroScience’s environmental consulting services with experience working on a wide range of wildlife projects. She has worked in many regions of the United States on a variety of taxa with varying state and federal status.

  • Arizona – Desert tortoise, reptile and amphibian inventory
  • California – Pacific salmonids, Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog, Tailed Frog, Torrent Salamander, Pacific Giant Salamander, Western Pond Turtle, obligate aquatic birds
  • Florida – amphibian and reptile communities
  • Illinois – Blanding’s and Spotted Turtle
  • Maryland – Northern Map Turtle, forest amphibian communities, turtle communities
  • New Mexico – Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, Lesser Prairie Chicken
  • New York – Bog Turtle, Spotted Turtle, reptile and amphibian communities
  • Ohio – reptile and amphibian inventory, listed turtle coordination
  • Pennsylvania – Bog Turtle
  • Massachusetts – Blanding’s Turtle and associated turtle community
  • Texas – reptile and amphibian inventory

Teal has over ten years of reptile and amphibian field survey experience including threatened and endangered species surveys, visual encounter surveys, capture-mark-recapture techniques, radio telemetry, habitat identification and measurement, acoustic monitoring surveys, phlebotomy, and environmental-DNA collection.  Additionally, as a member of both private and state agencies in California, Teal has 5 years’ experience in Pacific fisheries.  Throughout her career, she has employed a variety of quantitative skills as well as mapping and technical writing for both agency reporting and peer-reviewed publication.  Her current role involves collecting high-quality site and species data, reporting, project management, and making recommendations for agency coordination.

Contact TRichards-Dimitrie @ EnviroScienceInc.com