Pictured, L-R: Rhonda Mendel, QA/QC Officer; Paul Anderson, Senior Scientist
EnviroScience, Inc. would like to congratulate two of its senior biologists for obtaining Trainer Level 3 Ohio EPA Qualified Data Collector (QDC) certifications. EnviroScience’s QA/QC Officer Rhonda Mendel recently obtained Trainer status for Level 3 OEPA QDC Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sample Collection, Identification, and Data Evaluation. The criteria to obtain this certification are very rigorous. Ms. Mendel is one of only four professionals in the State of Ohio to have this certification. Similarly, Senior Scientist Paul Anderson is a Trainer for Level 3 Fish Community Biology (All Methods) and a Trainer for Level 3 Stream Habitat Assessment (QHEI Only). Currently, Mr. Anderson is one of only six Level 3 Stream Habitat QHEI Trainers in the State of Ohio (based on OEPA’s list of QDCs, published in July 2016).
Ms. Mendel and Mr. Anderson have extensive experience providing training to groups in nonprofit, government, and private organizations, including training for Level 3 QHEI, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrate assessment. Mr. Anderson has 16 years of experience in training and mentoring for habitat and biological assessment of aquatic systems. Since 2015, he has been a lead trainer for field crews conducting USEPA’s National Coastal Conditions Assessment across coastal waters and the Great Lakes region. While with Ohio EPA, Mr. Anderson and his colleagues developed an aquatic life classification system and evaluation protocols for Primary Headwater Habitat stream ecosystems. Ms. Mendel has nearly 30 years of experience in monitoring aquatic community responses. She has been a guest speaker for many workshops and presentations for USEPA and other organizations on the identification and taxonomy of benthic macroinvertebrates.